6 Worst Fashion Mistakes By The Undertaker

1. The Wig

Was there really any other option for the number one spot?

By 2012, wrestling fans were more than savvy to the internet and various pictures had leaked online that after his WrestleMania XXVII with Triple H, Undertaker had decided to shave his head. This was a huge deal. How was he gonna look when he came back? Was he gonna grow it out? Was it a completely shaven haven? So many questions, not enough answers.

In early 2012, The Phenom returned to start the build for his End Of An Era match with Triple H, except, um, he seemed to still have long hair. Then the camera showed him in close-up and it was clear that he was wearing a wig. Only, the wig pretty much covered his entire face. He looked more like the little girl from The Ring than the man about to take on Triple H at the biggest show of the year.

To this day, I am baffled that whoever put this wig on his head and clamped the hat on top of it let him go out there and look like that.

Stevie Wonder could tell it was a wig, it was that obvious.

Luckily, WWE would do a vignette where Taker would get all Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction on us and just started going mental because Triple H wouldn€™t call him back and just chopped his locks off.

But just look at that wig, folks. Staggering.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.