6 Worst Fashion Mistakes By The Undertaker

2. Snakeskin Trousers - NO, NO, NO!

There€™s several times in my adult life that I€™ve forgotten about Undertaker€™s big reptile skin style trousers from Survivor Series 2000 and whenever I'm reminded of them it sends me into fits of laughter every single time.

The Undertaker, the absolute coolest guy in wrestling, known for dry ice, druids, fire, pyro, dark stares and fans clamouring to dress up as him at Halloween, was now wrestling while dressed as some wort of weird pimp.

The American Bad Ass was challenging for Kurt Angle€™s WWF Championship in The Olympic Gold Medalist€™s first pay per-view title defense. There were rumours going into the show that with it being the 10 year anniversary of The Dead Man€™s debut, maybe he€™d do something with his outfit as a nod to his Decade of Destruction.

Nope, he just comes out dressed like The Godfather (minus the Ho€™s).

The only theory that€™s been floated around the depths of the internet to explain what in god€™s name made Taker decide to wear this for his 10 year anniversary Championship match is that he lost his bags at the airport and got to the arena with no gear. His pal from the BSK, Godfather was there that night wrestling in Right To Censor, so Taker could borrow his pimp pants for the big match and fans would buy it.

Awful, Awful, Awful.

Also, he didn€™t win the title, so WWE never had to show it in a video package ever again.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.