6 Worst Things Randy Orton’s Character Has Ever Done

3. Kidnapping Paul Bearer

randy orton evil smile

After Kane had attacked Randy Orton’s father during their Spring 2012 feud, Orton was looking to return the favour and, in doing so, make a statement. But much like the earlier Stacy Kiebler debacle, Orton may well have stepped over the line a tad here.

Interrupting a promo by Kane on Raw, footage of Orton appeared on the titantron. And even though he was supposedly the babyface in this angle, he soon revealed that he had kidnapped Kane’s on-screen father, Paul Bearer, and bound him, gagged him, and slung him into a conveniently placed industrial freezer, as if his statement needed any kind of exclamation point.

Oh, and Bearer was in a wheelchair, by the way. Just to paint Orton in even more glory.

The plan had seemingly been an attempt to rattle Kane, albeit a slightly overzealous one. In the end, it didn’t quite work out, though, on account of Kane not caring and refusing to save his dad from being frozen alive.

So at least Orton didn’t come out of this one looking like the biggest jerk of the segment, although that really isn’t saying much…

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Randy Orton
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