6 Wrestlers Who Carried The Ultimate Warrior To A Good Match

2. Hulk Hogan

It seems odd having Hulk Hogan get featured on a list of people who carried matches but he certainly was the ring general in their Wrestlemania IV main event. This epic rivalry would have fallen completely flat had their main event encounter not delivered in the ring at Wrestlemania VI. Yet, Hogan was up the challenge and led Warrior to one of the most iconic matches in WWE history. Best Moment: Obviously their WrestleMania VI encounter is the only example of a contest between the two that is watchable. The match was meticulously planned move by move but Hogan still had to be the leader to execute it in the ring. Hogan had even recounted a story where the Warrior panicked and wanted to end the match after five minutes until Hogan calmed him in the ring. It that tale is indeed true (and who can know for sure given Hogan€™s frequent tendency to embellish stories) then Hogan deserves even more credit for carrying the Warrior through this classic Wrestlemania main event.

J.D. White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.