6 Wrestling Moves That Need To Make A Comeback

5. Running DDT

The Undertaker Yokozuna

The DDT is a move of such simple efficacy that it will never fall out of fashion completely. There will forever be some variant of a DDT in the repertoire of one of the top wrestlers in the world. Draping, through the ropes, spike, tornado; there are so many ways to perform the move.

One we haven't seen in a while is a speciality of the Undertaker and Kane. When fighting a losing battle, they would receive an Irish Whip into the ropes and their opponent would drop their heads ready for a back body drop. The Undertaker would then show that preternatural speed that he could break out at a moment's notice, charging back at his opponent at a slight angle, wrapping his arm around their head and letting his momentum carry him into a devastating DDT that could take down some of the largest opponents.

In his deadman phase, this would leave both him and his opponent lying motionless on the mat until Paul Bearer lifted the urn and brought him back from the dead, his rise signalling the tide turning.


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