6 WWE Royal Rumble 2016 Results Predictions

2. Dean Ambrose (C) Vs Kevin Owens - Last Man Standing Match - Intercontinental Title

Ambrose and Owens are two of WWE's best wrestlers, and the Last Man Standing stipulation should suit them perfectly. Expect WWE to hand them a solid twenty minutes, in which they can really create some magic with the gimmick. Weapons spots and big bumps are bound to be in full supply. The result is a tricky one, as both men are important upper-midcard players. But for now, Ambrose staying as champion is what makes the most sense. He's the number two babyface in the company, yet lacked purpose for much of last year. The belt is now giving him that purpose, and a long run will also benefit the credibility of the title. As for Owens, he can handle the loss. His heel act will always work and doesn't need the prop as much. His charisma and in-ring performances will always carry him in entertaining feuds. Indeed, it looks like a return to the Sami Zayn feud could be next for K.O. Ambrose wins after a brutal war in which he buries Owens under the ring steps for the ten count. Winner: Dean Ambrose
WWE Writer

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