6 WWE Superstars Who Got Married In 2018

2. Sarah Logan & Rowe

Sarah Logan Rowe Wedding

Speaking of alternative weddings, that's exactly what Riott Squad member Sarah Logan and War Raiders member Raymond Rowe had just four days before Christmas. On 21 December, the lovers married in a ceremony attended by many of their WWE peers and others from their time on the independent scene.

The whole occasion had a viking theme, because of course it did.

In fairness, pics of the day look bad-ass. Rowe and Logan exchanged vows outside, and there was even a huge viking horn present to add to the atmosphere. It must have been a giggle, because some of the WWE lot who attended (including Tegan Nox) gushed about it on social media afterwards.

Rowe and Logan had been dating for a few years before getting hitched. There's is a genuine story of love, and another example of the good wrestling can do.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.