7 Annoying WWE Crowd Chants That Need To Die

5. "Show Your T**s!"

Stone Cold What

This is pretty much the bottom of the barrel when it comes to "crowd interaction," and is simply more ammunition for those who think wrestling fans are ignorant, immature, a**holes. Luckily, it's not as prevalent as it was during the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression Eras.

But it definitely happens. A cursory YouTube search for the chant provides a plethora of frat boys who think that treating female athletes like bead-seeking girls at Mardi Gras is hilarious. Kelly Kelly was frequently on the receiving end of this unoriginal chauvinism. The Miz's real-life wife, Maryse, still gets it lobbed at her on occasion.

It's obviously worse when it's chanted at legitimate wrestlers, because we should be supporting the evolving women's division every chance we get instead of treating it like a cheap spectacle of fleshy bits.

It's an admittedly small contingent who've apparently decided we should revert back to the Attitude Era's focus on T&A above actual in-ring skill, but in 2016, any contingent who thinks like that needs to go away.

Do we want to be able to watch athletic women put on a solid wrestling match, or do we want Terri Runnels to come back and push her t*ts in our faces again while pretending she knows what a body slam is?

Because we can't have it both ways.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.