7 Annoying WWE Crowd Chants That Need To Die

4. "E-C-W!"

Stone Cold What

Look, I get it. Extreme Championship Wrestling was an amazing product during its heyday, and one that will quite possibly never be rivaled in terms of hardcore exhibitions. And there's every reason to celebrate the underdog company's rise to international prominence.

But we have to stop chanting those letters as if the incantation will somehow resurrect the long-defunct company. It won't.

Crowds are also a bit too indiscriminate about this one. Not only do they chant it for ECW stars like the Dudleys, but they also shout it whenever someone performs a move that's vaguely reminiscent of the ECW style.

Why chant "E-C-W!" whenever someone takes a chair shot to the face? No, I'm seriously asking with this. WHY??

Even at its most fitting - like when Bubba Ray powerbombs someone through a table - the echoes of "E-C-W!" are still off-putting. Because this clearly isn't ECW that you're watching right now. It's the WWE. Just get over it already.

It'd be like going to a Foo Fighters concert and constantly shouting "Nir-van-a! Nir-van-a! Nir-van-a!" You think Dave Grohl would be cool with that? I highly doubt it.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.