7 Annoying WWE Crowd Chants That Need To Die

2. "CM Punk!"

Stone Cold What

How is this one still a thing? I'm genuinely baffled by the fact that rather large groups will still randomly burst into a chorus of "CM Punk! CM Punk," demanding to see a man who hasn't wrestled with the company for nearly three years.

I understand that Punk was an amazing talent, and perhaps one of the most widely respected performers the company has had in quite some time, but...but really? Even Punk's hometown of Chicago needs to let this one die.

I'm sure tons of WWE fans were upset when Hulk Hogan left the company to go make that awful Baywatch rip-off, but you didn't hear crowds chanting "Hulk-a-Mania" three years later. Or at all, really.

I get the reasoning behind it. WWE hasn't really made any new superstars since Punk's departure, and a lot of fans are tired of having Roman Reigns stuffed down their throats.

But this is another one of those chants that sends the wrong message. Because you're just reverting to pettiness, pining for something that was taken away from you forever and a day ago, rather than bolstering another up-and-comer (the next CM Punk) with chants of his own. It seems like some really misplaced energy.

Please, for the sake of yourselves and the product: Get over him and enjoy the show. Or don't and stay the hell home.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.