7 Annoying WWE Crowd Chants That Need To Die

1. "You Can't Wrestle!"

Stone Cold What

See, this is right around the point where potential wrestling fans get turned off the product and start to think that maybe everything they'd heard about us - that we're petulant, immature assholes - is true.

Screaming "You can't wrestle!" at someone who literally breaks themselves (physically and mentally) for your entertainment on a nightly basis is tactless and just plain mean. And it doesn't even make much sense when you get right down to it. At face value, "You can't wrestle!" is an indictment of someone like Big Show's inability to work a match at a pace WWE fans have come to demand.

But that's not his job. He's supposed to be the big, lumbering beast who tosses his foes from ring post to ring post, not a proficient technical wrestler. He knows he's not a great technical wrestler. Why rub salt in the big oaf's wounds?

Roman Reigns is frequently on the receiving end of this chant as well, which also makes little sense. Whatever you think of him, Reigns can wrestle. In fact, he can work a pretty solid match nowadays. But when audiences chant "You can't wrestle!" at Reigns, what they're really saying is "We don't like you."

So why not just say that instead? This one just makes you sound childish and out of the loop.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.