7 Best Custom WWE Title Belts

7. Zack Ryder's Internet Title

There are a lot of mixed opinions among wrestling fans when it comes to Zack Ryder. Some people admire the fact that he worked his ass off a few years ago to try to win over the fans even though he was barely on WWE TV. It actually worked too. His "Z True Long Island Story" Youtube show was a major hit and along the way he sold a lot of merchandise too. One of the merchandise items was something he called the Internet Championship. The Internet Championship wasn't something that Ryder ever brought onto WWE TV probably because WWE officials were against the idea of a guy creating his own title. If Ryder could make a title and get it on TV then who's to say somebody else couldn't do it either? WWE didn't want to promote a fictional title like that. Ryder's Internet Title had a cartoon style picture of his spiked hair and sunglasses with "Internet Champion" on it. It also had the logos of Twitter, Youtube and Facebook on the side plates of it. It also had his ZR initials on the side too. It's unlikely that we'll ever seen the Internet Title on WWE TV, but Ryder deserves credit for being creative at least. When he was doing his internet show he was as popular as ever.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.