7 Best Custom WWE Title Belts

6. John Cena's United States Title

When John Cena won the US Title for the third time in November 2004 he was one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE. You could tell just from watching him and listening to the crowd reaction that Cena was going to be a top guy in WWE. He was cool, he did raps to insult his rivalries and his confidence carried him a long way too. The US Title has a US flag on it and it says United States Champion on it. That's been the main title to represent the US Champ for more than a decade. However, when Cena won the gold he customized so that the center of it spun around like a turntable, which fit his rapper gimmick. The title also had "Word Life" written on it as well as the name "John Cena" all covering a US flag. It was a cool looking title that was unique to Cena. In March of 2005, the title was blown up by JBL and his "Cabinet" of wrestlers after Orlando Jordan beat Cena and they went back to using the normal looking US Title. The reason Cena lost it was because he was destined to become the WWE Champion, so they had to get the US Title off him at that point. We will probably never see Cena's version of the US Title again on WWE TV. It was good while it lasted even though it was around for only a few months.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.