7 Best Trish Stratus WWE Rivalries

5. Vs. Chris Jericho

It's rare that a guy would be mentioned as a main rival of a woman, but in this case it fits because of the massive storyline that Trish had with Chris Jericho. Their story started in late 2003 along with Christian and Lita involved. The story was that Jericho and Christian bet one loonie (a Canadian dollar) that they could "hook up" with one of the divas. At the time, Trish was gaining feelings for Jericho. He felt the same for her too. However, Christian ended up getting involved and came across as an aggressive heel while Jericho was a face. That set up WrestleMania 20 in 2004. In what was one of the best moments of Trish's career, she made a surprising appearance at WM20 to get involved in the Jericho match with Christian. At first it appeared as though her interference cost Jericho, but after the match she made her intentions known in that she was helping Christian. Post match, Christian got a passionate kiss from her too. He won the match, plus he got the girl. That made a lot of people hate Christian! It was a good story with about five months of build leading up to it. They only interacted for a month or two after and then it was over. The heel turn was great for her career because she was awesome as a heel too.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.