7 Best WWE Battleground Matches

5. Randy Orton Vs. Daniel Bryan (2013)

Rob an Dam Alberto Del Rio Battleground 2013

Addressing the elephant in the room right off the bat, people did not dig the ending to Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan at all. The whole ordeal put across loudly and clearly that WWE were already looking beyond Battleground towards the upcoming Hell In A Cell. That pay-per-view took place just a few weeks after this one.

Given that Battleground 2013 was the first show in the series, perhaps fans expected more. Things had been going so well before The Big Show turned up to cause a non-finish, mainly because Bryan and Orton always had a decent level of chemistry in the ring together.

People were desperate to see Bryan avenge what had happened at SummerSlam and Night Of Champions. At the former, Randy Orton cashed in Money In The Bank to quickly dethrone Bryan as champ. Similarly, the Raw after Night Of Champions saw Bryan stripped of the WWE Title by Triple H due to a supposed fast count.

The non-finish was the icing on the cake for most, which is a shame as the actual action between Orton and Bryan was superb. This match would be higher on the list were it not for the unwanted conclusion.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.