7 Candidates For Intercontinental Title Match At WrestleMania 32

6. The Miz

Somehow, the Miz always manages to wangle his way into the middle of feuds. Just as he did during Chris Jericho and AJ Styles€™ initial beef, Miz has since been playing the supporting role in Zayn and Owens€™ recent drama. Having first played the part of moderator in an episode of Miz TV, he soon found himself teaming with Owens to face the team of Zayn and Neville, before a singles match with Zayn later resulted in him crossing paths with Owens himself. Basically, everyone€™s getting on the wrong side of one another, and therefore it seems like the only resolution is to stick them all in a match together and let them thrash it out for the gold. Furthermore, with his pedigree as a former WrestleMania main eventer, the Miz certainly wouldn€™t be out of place in an Intercontinental Championship match€”notwithstanding his fringe booking in recent months.

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