7 Candidates For Intercontinental Title Match At WrestleMania 32

5. Stardust

No multi-man Intercontinental Championship match would be complete without the involvement of Stardust. That€™s not necessarily my own opinion, but it seems to be the mantra that the WWE has been living by in recent years gone by. He was of course a part of that seven-man ladder match at last year€™s €˜Mania, and again he was thrown into the mix when Dean Ambrose was forced to defend his title in a hastily-arranged Fatal Five Way match just over a month ago. Now, that may not seem like too often an occurrence. But in both instances he was added to the fray for what seemed like no reason at all€”other than to act as an extra body. That€™s no slight on Stardust as a performer, as he remains one of the more entertaining workers on the roster. It just seems to me that the bookers have doomed the Stardust gimmick to a life of making up the numbers when necessary€”and this would appear to be another such instance.

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