7 Countries Better Suited For NXT Than Japan

1. Australia

NXT Ireland

As evidenced by WWE's recent tour, Australia has always been one of WWE's favorite international stops. Regularly selling out arenas in the likes of Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth, it's no secret that there is a passionate fan base down under.

Pro wrestling has been ingrained in Australian culture since the 1960s, with WCW Australia boasting attendance numbers in the thousands. After the promotion folded due to no television exposure in 1978, Australia wouldn't pick the past time back up until a small promotion named WWF grew.

A couple of tours in 1985 and 1986 led WWF to have a bit of a monopoly on the television market in Australia. The influence left behind would go on to help form what is Australia's independent scene now. For example, World Wrestling All-Stars formed in Brisbane in late 2001 (closing just two years later) serving as a mixed bag of former WCW/ECW alumni and future TNA talent. Eddie Guerrero, Sting, Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles and many more make up their alumni.

Shortly after, WWE brought the Global Warning Tour to Melbourne after a 16 year hiatus from Australia. 56,000 plus fans packed the Colonial Stadium and showed how passionate the Aussies are. With this deep seated connection to what pro wrestling was and the relatively territorial style of the scene there today, Australia may be the perfect home for their own NXT brand soon. It might be time to cash in on the 34 plus year history of WWE's influence and make the expansion to the outback instead of the far east.

British wrestling may be dying at Vince's hand, but he is slowly building himself a wrestling version of the British empire. One day maybe WWE will own the world as the chairman wants. But for now, they'll keep buying it one country at a time.

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Future 24/7 Champion. Self crowned king of sarcasm. Defeated WWE's plane in Saudi Arabia by TKO. Lister of nonsense achievements. Mostly just an aspiring writer and podcaster looking to mark out over wrestling.