7 Countries Better Suited For NXT Than Japan

2. New Zealand

NXT Ireland
Twitter, @Evie_NZ

With the first recognized NWA New Zealand Heavyweight champion being crowned on 17 March 1925, it is safe to say pro wrestling has a long and storied history in the country.

On the Mat was a professional wrestling series that ran in the country from 1975 to 1984, making it one of the longest running sports shows in New Zealand's history. Ric Flair even defeated Harley Race for the NWA title in Wellington in 1984. However, it did go through a brief period of decline around the time of WWF's rise to prominence.

But nowadays, wrestling has begun to become popular there once more. Coinciding with WWE touring there in 2006, Impact Pro Wrestling (not to be confused with the former TNA) would also go on to reintroduce wrestling to weekly New Zealand television in February 2007. Since then, WWE has toured there seven more times over 11 years and seems to capitalize on the boom periods of the industry's popularity there very well.

With a history of dividing promotions and lack of long term growth in the independent scene, WWE could very easily buy up a promotion like New Zealand Wide Pro Wrestling or even the larger aforementioned IPW. NXT: NZ would easily become the largest pro wrestling company there regardless of how it was formed.

Taking over right as the industry hits a boom again would be smart business, and the same could be said nearby in...

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Future 24/7 Champion. Self crowned king of sarcasm. Defeated WWE's plane in Saudi Arabia by TKO. Lister of nonsense achievements. Mostly just an aspiring writer and podcaster looking to mark out over wrestling.