7 Feuds Key To Baron Corbin's Success In WWE

4. Sami Zayn

baron corbin

There is no greater underdog in WWE than Sami Zayn. Nicknamed "The Underdog from the Underground," he has become wildly popular with audiences because, win or lose, he gives every ounce of energy he has to his performance. In many ways, he is similar to Mikey Whipwreck of ECW fame, a competitor who elicits such sympathy because of his ability to take an !*$%-kicking and still fight through it.

Conversely, Baron Corbin has been wrestling's best bully since his heel turn in 2015. He is loud and physical, unforgiving in his oppressive beatings. He is the big guy that everyone hates and, to an extent, fears.

While WWE Creative has done a fantastic job of presenting that character through the sneak attack beatings he has dealt to Dolph Ziggler thus far, it would behoove the writing team and Corbin for the next step to be a showdown with the most beloved babyface in World Wrestling Entertainment.

Plus, Corbin would have the opportunity to work with a wrestler believed to be one of the elite performers in the industry, a guy fresh off of a five-star classic with Shinsuke Nakamura at NXT TakeOver: Dallas.

That is not too shabby a bonus.

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Baron Corbin
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.