7 Hell In A Cell Bumps You Will Never Forget

7. Triple H Hits A Pedigree On Jericho On Top Of Cell

http://youtu.be/aNSAsxB6iag This match took place at the May 2002 Judgment Day PPV. The Triple H rivalry with Chris Jericho saw him win the WWE Title against Jericho at WrestleMania 18. Then Hunter lost the WWE Title to Hulk Hogan, so he was back to feuding with Jericho. It was just an average match from two guys that probably should have done better. That's because we have high expectations of both of them. They do deserve credit for having a creative finish, though. They did a ref bump spot with Tim White getting hurt and he actually severely injured his shoulder in the match. That allowed Jericho to escape the cage. Jericho went up the cage to try to escape Triple H. Of course, Hunter followed. They did some spots up there including using a barbwire baseball bat. Jericho gave Hunter a back body drop on the cell. The big spot was the final one as Hunter hit a Pedigree on top of the cell. Thankfully the cage didn't break because it was reinforced. At the time of the match, fans online complained that they didn't do a spot to break a table or have one of the guys get thrown off the cell. People had gotten so used to the big spots that when they didn't happen, they got angry. That's silly because what matters is these guys don't get hurt. It was smart to reinforce the cage.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.