7 Hell In A Cell Bumps You Will Never Forget

1. Mick Foley Tossed Off The Cage And Through Announce Table

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hMp65SzyTU&feature=youtu.be What a way to start a match. As mentioned earlier, Foley had stated that he wanted to top what Shawn Michaels did, so he decided to start the match on top of the cell. The Undertaker entered second, followed him up there and the fight was on right away. Keep in mind that they really didn't have a hot story going into this one - that's why they wanted to go all out at the start of the match. They started on the left side of the cell and worked their way over, and you could see the cell was giving way as they battled on it: at one point their feet nearly stepped through the cage. Undertaker fought back as the battle went towards the side of the cage. With Foley teetering off the side of the cage, Undertaker tossed him off the side and Foley went crashing shoulder first into the announce table below. That's when Jim Ross offered up this legendary call: "Good God Almighty! Good God Almighty that killed him. As God as my witness, he is broken in half!" It's a spot that has been replayed so many times in WWE history. They had a camera shooting it from the ground too so the image of Foley spiraling down from 20 feet above became one of the most memorable moments in wrestling history. Does he regret doing the spot? For the physical pain it caused, he probably does, but, it was a moment that made him a legend because it let fans know this guy would do anything he could to entertain us and we loved him for that. It was a crazy bump that will likely never be duplicated by anybody in WWE history. That's why it's so memorable. It's also the Hell in a Cell bump we're going to remember the most. Which other Hell In A Cell bumps deserve to be on this list? Share your picks below in the comments thread below.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.