7 Horrific Injuries Wrestlers Suffered Outside The Ring

1. Brutus Beefcake's Face Explodes

Brutus Beefcake

Nobody in wrestling has lived a nightmare quite like the one Brutus Beefcake did in the early-'90s.

A woman's knees smashed into his face when out parasailing in 1990, immediately crushing his face and causing months of painful surgeries. According to Beefcake's book, all the bones in his face turned to dust, meaning there was nothing to hold it in place. Friends had to lift his "face meat" up to allow him to breathe.

Without that help, a blinded, wounded Brutus would probably have died. He was rushed to hospital instantly, and doctors spent the next 24 hours desperately seeking someone who could rebuild his face; that kind of injury was hardly common place, and (making things worse) Beefcake was injured on the 4 July holiday.

Brutus told in his autobiography how Hulk Hogan helped him recover. There's a grisly story about Beefcake's eye falling out when Hulk was trying to help him walk from his hospital bed down the corridor. Without proper care and over 100 metal plates keeping things in place, his entire face was a pulpy mush.

How he survived, let alone launched an in-ring comeback in 1993, is anyone's guess.


What other gruesome wrestler injuries do you know of that happened outside the ring? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.