7 Ideas To Debut Tyler Breeze On WWE's Main Roster

5. A Feud With Dolph Ziggler

Here€™s a feud between wrestlers that seems like a natural fit. On the one hand you have the brash and conceited pretty boy and on the other hand you have€another brash and conceited pretty boy. Tyler Breeze seems like the perfect person to serve as a foil for the inexplicably popular "Showoff". Both have similar looks and comparable ring styles. Ziggler is also in desperate need of new opponents due to his longevity and lack of significant time off during the prime of his career. He€™s a talented worker who is about a year past the point of being stale, and is the victim of more start/stop pushes than anyone on the roster. Dolph needs fresh people to work with in the worst way. It also gives Tyler a credible opponent that he could go over in his first program on the main roster without sacrificing someone that WWE has big plans for, since it€™s apparent at this point that Dolph Ziggler has been stuck on a treadmill for quite a while with no idea where to take him. It should also provide for some pretty entertaining matches along the way.
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Tyler Breeze
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.