7 Ideas To Debut Tyler Breeze On WWE's Main Roster

4. The P.R. Director Of The Authority

If I had my way this entire Authority storyline would be jettisoned, but since that isn€™t going to happen any time soon they might as well find ways to keep it new and different. The current role where Kane portrays the meddlesome middle management has been somewhat entertaining, so if they€™re not going to be abolished altogether they should spice it up. One way to do that would be to introduce Tyler Breeze as the P.R. director. Have Triple H and Stephanie admit that they€™ve got a problem when it comes to public perception, and they€™re bringing in someone who is all about image. Breeze€™s goal can be to revamp The Authority in the eyes of the fans and improve their branding. This would certainly be over the top ridiculous, but it would go a long way in establishing heat for Breeze and giving him the Authority rub. Teaming Tyler up with the on-and-off screen bosses of the WWE is a huge vote of confidence and would give him a very high profile right out of the gate. It would also groom someone to take over as their flunkie once the angle with Kane plays out, which may be as early as Hell in a Cell. Seeing Tyler Breeze trying to coach Stephanie on how to pose for promo pictures would be fun provided she didn€™t repeatedly emasculate him like she does the rest of the roster.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.