7 Improvements The WWE Network Badly Needs

7. Smart Search Functionality

WWE Network
WWE Network

When someone searches for a broad stroke term like "The Rock Steve Austin" on the Network, it's pretty obvious what they want. The infuriating thing here is that the Network's current algorithms seem skewed towards generalisation rather than any specifics, and that renders searching pretty much useless.

It's more of a lucky dip than a tool.

Look at the screenshot above. That's a recent search for matches between two of the biggest stars in WWE history. Instead of throwing up classics from WrestleMania XV, X-Seven or XIX though, it shows a clip from The Rock's Collection, the Rock Bottom pay-per-view from 1998 and then (rather randomly) a Shinsuke Nakamura NXT video.

In the coming update, it's important that WWE begin to understand exactly what people are looking for when they search. For example, if a user searches 'The Rock', it shouldn't throw up results for Nakamura just because he's occasionally referred to as a "rock star". Searching must be smarter.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.