7 Improvements The WWE Network Badly Needs

6. Smart TV Compatibility

WWE Network

Smarter. Smart-er.

Buy a flashy new television and you'll be treated to apps aplenty without the need for extra digital TV boxes, games consoles or any other plug-in. Netflix is there, so is Amazon Prime and UK favourites like BBC iPlayer and the ITV Hub are all easily accessible. Sadly, the WWE Network isn't, and this is a huge missed opportunity.

As things stand, only a select few Samsung models come preinstalled with the Network as a built in app. On products from other manufacturers, there isn't even the option to dive into an app store and download WWE's service. This is rubbish; people shouldn't require a PS4 or Xbox One to get the Network. It should be available on 'smart' televisions across the board.

Hopefully, this is something Barrios and his gang are sorting out for the future. Convenience is key when it comes to modern technology, but right now the Network feels more limited than it should be on new devices. That's one thing WWE have to address sooner rather than later.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.