7 Improvements The WWE Network Badly Needs

4. Even More Focus On Documentaries

Mark Henry WWE Network

As much as dorks like the guy writing this enjoy thumbing through the pay-per-view archives to watch old In Your House specials, not everybody is the same. Some only use the Network for the latest supershows and WWE's more original, up-to-date content. That includes the fabulous range of in-house documentaries.

WWE 24, Chronicle, Untold and 365 all have value. They're worth watching even if you're not a big fan of the subject. Mark Henry's story is every bit as valid as Roman Reigns', for example, and there's a slick presentation style that keeps one invested throughout each. The lesson to be learned here is this: do more of it.

WWE can view the Network as a fan's ticket to what happens behind the scenes. OK sure, there is a whiff of that right now, but it's nowhere near as strong as it should be, and the company don't toot their own horn enough about how wonderfully-produced their docs have become.

By putting more and more focus on these stunning series, the promotion would be rightly shouting from the rooftops about a USP their subscription service can be proud of, one that's more dynamic than any number of old pay-per-views.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.