7 Improvements The WWE Network Badly Needs

2. Tiered Packages

WWE Network Surrender

This, surely, is on the cards.

It's in WWE's interests to offer as much value as possible. The current 9.99 price point is excellent value, of course, but the chance is there for the McMahon family and their juggernaut to squeeze more from fan pockets. The best thing is that they wouldn't be doing so without adding some extra benefits and incentives for those willing to cough up a bit more.

Tiered packages, priced at $5.99 (for basic access to WWE's latest monthly pay-per-view, the live channel and some other originals), $9.99 (basically the way things are now, including the archives) and $14.99 (for more than ever, including some new indy promotions WWE can broker deals with like the UK's ICW and Progress) would be neat.

Admittedly, they would need to offer more than a handful of indy companies to make the higher pricing worth it. Harking back to an earlier point, it wouldn't be hard to produce more documentaries and original content that screamed good value for the higher number. Movies come to mind.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.