7 Improvements WWE Network Needs To Make

With a few subtle changes, the WWE Network could be even more essential than it already is.

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The WWE Network is, without a doubt, one of the most revolutionary concepts in wrestling history. With more content than any employed person could ever get through in a lifetime, the sheer volume of wrestling in the WWE on-demand library is a fan's dream.

With an average of 1.63 million paid subscribers (according WWE's corporate website) and availability throughout the world, the WWE Network has already come a long way since launching in 2014.

However, nothing is perfect in this world and there's always room for improvement - even when it comes to the awesome WWE Network. From annoying bugs and glitchy quirks to unexpected errors and crashes, WWE's VOD service still has a long way to go before it finds itself in the same category as Netflix and Amazon.

Nevertheless, a little bit of TLC (not of the Tables, Ladders and Chairs variety) and a few subtle changes would make a big difference to WWE's growing channel and could make the awesome WWE Network simply phenomenal.

7. Improved Search

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For the most part, the WWE Network is very user friendly. It's easy to use, simple to navigate, and arranged in a largely logical manner... everything except the search function, that is.

When it comes to unearthing your favourite matches, the search tool is a very hit and miss. Not only are the results ordered in largely random fashion, many of the matches appear in the results right next to the finish of the same match, or even with finish appearing before the match itself in some cases.

This fact is infinitely annoying, particularly when you find a match you haven't seen before or have forgotten about. It would be like scrolling through Netflix and having the end of the film spelled out right next to the movie you're about to pick.

A structured or sensible method of organising the results would also make it far easier to navigate to your match of choice. The random nature of the results makes it a total crap shoot when choosing, while it also leaves you scrolling through bout after bout until you've reached the one you want.

While the function does vary in quality from one device to another, the removal of the finishes in the search results and organising them in chronological order is an easy change and one that would make a huge difference.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!