7 Improvements WWE Network Needs To Make

3. Chris Benoit

WWE Network Corporate

While no-one will ever forget the atrocities of Chris Benoit's final days, his career inside the ring was on par with some of the greatest of all time. For a fan of his work, it's a difficult quandary to be in.

Viewing Benoit's matches is by no means condoning his final actions, nor is it glorifying the individual. It's merely appreciating the matches for what they are, similar to listening to a Michael Jackson song in light of his alleged unscrupulous exploits.

Nevertheless, WWE's stance on Benoit has been made perfectly clear over the last decade. For all intents and purposes, he didn't exist. However, Benoit's presence does still remain on the WWE Network - if you know where to look.

For example, if you wanted to find the Owen Hart tribute match between Bret and Benoit, you would need to know the Nitro episode it was on, navigate to it on the Network and then jump to the time stamp of "Bret Hart in singles action".

If WWE were to simply add Benoit's name to the Network, fans would be able to unearth these matches with ease: from the wars against Kurt Angle and the countless classics with Eddie Guerrero to the 'Best of Seven' with Booker T and other forgotten bouts with Bret from WCW.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!