7 Mistakes The Authority Has Made In Their First Year

7. Shawn Michaels Screwing Over Daniel Bryan

Wrestling fans love Shawn Michaels. We don't want to boo the man. For a lot of us he's our favorite wrestler ever and when he retired in 2010 it was celebrated as a moment where one of the greatest performers ever said goodbye in very respectful way. Since he has retired he has acted like a babyface every time we've seen him except for what happened at the Hell in a Cell PPV last October. With Michaels as the referee in Bryan's WWE Title match against Randy Orton for the vacant, it was Michaels that cost Bryan the WWE Title with a Superkick out of nowhere. If they planned it better they should have had somebody like Big Show as ref and then have him turn on Bryan to cost him the gold. That way at least Bryan could feud with him without the title on the line while Orton could move on to somebody else, which ended up being Cena. What was the payoff for Bryan when he saw his mentor Michaels after that? He gave him the Yes Lock. Fans cheered Michaels getting hurt. The next time we saw Michaels he was back to getting cheered for being a legend. There was no storyline continuity at all.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.