7 Mistakes The Authority Has Made In Their First Year

4. Changing Kane's Character Four Times In The Last Year

Kane was a masked wrestler that was a babyface, then he was a corporate bully, then a masked wrestler again and now he's back to being a corporate bully. Confused? It's just normalcy for the Kane character, who changes things up more often than any wrestler in the history of the business. The idea behind the original unmasking was that they turned him heel after he was getting cheered as a mask wrestler. Remember that he lost to Bray Wyatt, then went away for a bit to film See No Evil 2 and then handed his mask to Stephanie to become the Director of Operations. He didn't wrestle that much as the DOO, but when he did he usually lost. When WWE needed a heel opponent for Daniel Bryan after he won the WWE Title at WrestleMania 30, they turned to Kane in part because of his history with Bryan as former tag team champions. That also led to Kane putting his mask back on to become the "demon" which was WWE's way of saying that he was a threat again even though we saw him lose so much. Now he's back to being DOO Kane because WWE feels like they don't need him to wrestle on TV as much although he's still wrestling at house shows. Basically he's just there to get physical to help other heels win. The Kane character sucks right now. Inconsistent booking is the reason.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.