7 Most Insane Things Happening In Wrestling Right Now (June 9)
1. Daggering!
The "daggering" craze isn't happening right now - but it's so crazy that it transcends time and space and demands inclusion here in case you've not seen it.
It is a form of dancing popular in Jamaica in which those involved brutalise one another with wrestling moves. Someone should show Vince McMahon; any notion that Cesaro isn't over is quashed at the sight of some poor woman getting brained after taking a Cesaro swing. He has clearly grabbed the brass ring firmly enough to inspire some casual manslaughter on the dance floor. Some enterprising YouTube heroes have married the footage with Jim Ross commentary, and it's as fantastic as you might expect, all Good God Almightys! as women are slammed viciously slammed onto concrete for reasons that simply defy explanation.
George Barrios has got the Jinder Mahal push all wrong. WWE should simply pretend Kofi Kingston is Jamaican again and have him go over the Modern Day Maharaja at Battleground.
Then again, the Indian market is so wrestling daft that videos of rank amateurs stumbling their way through reenactments set to WWE commentary generate six figure hits on YouTube. Maybe ANGAARtv is what Barrios has been smoking.