7 Most Ready NXT Stars To Call Up To WWE After WrestleMania 31

3. Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn is so good in the ring that it can be argued that he's the best in-ring performer in all of WWE right now. The top three guys are probably Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins and Zayn in some order. The thought of him being in developmental is pretty silly considering how good he is, but that's just the way things are right now. Honestly he could probably train guys better than some of the trainers that WWE has, no offense to them. As mentioned earlier, WWE doesn't necessarily see NXT as developmental as much as they used to. For some people it is (guys like Baron Corbin or Colin Cassady for example), but for guys like Zayn he's there to establish the brand as something cool. He's had so many great matches in NXT that he's become the poster boy for why NXT is so fun for fans to watch. Zayn signed with WWE in early 2013, so he's been there for over two years now. He lost the NXT Title to Kevin Owens in February in one of the more violent matches in NXT history because it ended by knockout rather than a pinfall. Zayn hasn't been in the ring since. Maybe he'll be ready for the rumored May NXT special event for his rematch against Owens, but it's no guarantee that he'll win the NXT Title again. His current status is he's out with some shoulder injury and hasn't wrestled in the last month, but it's not considered to be a major thing. A big reason why Zayn can be successful on the bigger stage is he's an amazing seller. Bret Hart has said numerous times that selling is the most important part of being a worker and it's true. If you can make your opponents look good you're going to be their favorite guy to work with while also being somebody that the fans want to see because then it makes the comebacks mean that much more. He is so ready for the main roster. Put him out there as a smiling babyface that wins the crowd over by the heart he shows in his matches. It may be a few months for him, but he's so ready that if they called him up right after WM it would be a smart move too.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.