7 Most Shocking WWE Releases 2015

6. Zahra Schreiber

Similarly, it's not everyday that reports surface of WWE developmental Divas sleeping with top superstars then losing their jobs amidst Nazi-related controversy. That's exactly the fate which was to befall one Zahra Schreiber. In truth, a lot of WWE fans likely hadn't heard of the woman before her name was linked to Seth Rollins. Earlier in 2015, she was caught up in the nude selfie carnage which embarrassed Rollins. Going from bad to worse, Schreiber was released from contract in late-August. Normally, a developmental release wouldn't garner much attention in WWE. Given there are so many talents under contract, cutting a few loose every now and then is something that's bound to happen. Schreiber wasn't released due to the company not being interested in her, however. Instead, her Instagram account was to blame. Years earlier, Zahra had posted several pictures which featured Nazi imagery. After leaving WWE, Schreiber was quick to point out that she is not anti-Semitic, which is something which had been levied at her by some people. Regardless of her pleas, she was fired, for what must be considered some of the most unique reasons ever.
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