7 Most Shocking WWE Releases 2015

5. Brad Maddox

It's quite sobering to think that Brad Maddox was once installed as the General Manager of Monday Night Raw. The guy was hardly ever a big mover and shaker in the company, but he was somebody who was considered a good enough performer on the microphone to make the position work. Ironically, it would be his skills on the mic which would land him in hot water with management. Right before a dark match during a Smackdown taping in November, Maddox used the word 'pricks' over the mic. A lot of fans were unlikely to be offended by the remark, but it was deemed unacceptable by those who make the decisions in WWE. Shortly afterwards, Maddox was fired. Incredibly, one of his last tasks was to dress as a turkey and receive a Tombstone Piledriver from The Undertaker. That segment, aired on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, was one of the last things Maddox did as a WWE contracted performer. There were no second chances for the man once he uttered the phrase before a scheduled match, he was given no reprieve. Vince McMahon was said to be reportedly furious over what he had heard, and there was no going back for Brad Maddox.
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