7 New Details About Bruce Prichard's Something Else To Wrestle With On WWE Network

2. The Show Will Remain Uncensored

Something To Wrestle With

Technically, neither Bruce Prichard nor Conrad Thompson will be WWE employees during the new show's 13-week run. Yes, they'll be representing the WWE brand on a company-led platform, but they've signed unique deals that suit both them and the flavour of their output.

Rejoice then, because 'Something Else To Wrestle With' will keep the same lewd small talk the podcast has become known for in tact. That's great news, and so is the fact Bruce and Conrad will be able to use adult language on the show. Without that, they'd lose so much of what makes the podcast so enjoyable.

It was always going to be important for WWE to preserve what makes Prichard such a fun figure to listen to. He and Thompson have tremendous chemistry, and much of that revolves around dick jokes, arguments that quickly get out of hand and spirited exchanges about how silly some old angles/characters were.

Let the rumour and innuendo commence.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.