7 New Directions For WWE After Great Balls Of Fire

5. Sheamus & Cesaro Move On From The Hardy Boyz

Sheamus Cesaro

There hasn't been a bad match pitting The Hardy Boyz against Sheamus and Cesaro since Matt and Jeff waltzed back onto WWE programming at WrestleMania. That doesn't mean those teams need to keep wrestling though; quite the contrary, they should now be moving on from one another.

Sheamus and Cesaro won the Iron Man Match on Sunday fair and square. It's time to feed them other teams to work with on Raw, and although it's hard to pinpoint exactly who would be the best fit, it has to be someone other than The Hardyz. This is one rivalry that needs a rest before it grows stale.

If WWE could somehow bring American Alpha over from SmackDown, all problems would be solved. They'd be a wonderful match for the athletic Raw Tag-Team Champs. Failing that, WWE could run The Revival vs. Sheamus and Cesaro as heel vs. heel or do the same with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.