7 New Directions For WWE After Great Balls Of Fire

1. Sowing The Seeds For Kurt Angle's In-Ring Return

Braun Strowman

WWE have options coming out of Great Balls Of Fire. Firstly, they could have Raw GM Kurt Angle book Braun Strowman (the winner of the Ambulance Match) against Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title at SummerSlam. Secondly, Braun's injuries may take the giant out of that match, handing it by default to Roman Reigns.

Should that happen, then Strowman would be out for Angle's blood, and that's a great way to transition Kurt from suited authority figure to spandex-wearing bad ass. People want to see Angle wrestle again anyway, and it'd feel refreshing to watch him work someone the size of Strowman. There are certainly worse ideas.

Braun looked at Kurt with an angry stare after walking away from the wreckage of his ambulance crash, almost like he was blaming his GM for what happened. Even if Strowman vs. Angle doesn't happen, WWE can tease it and ultimately have Stephanie McMahon return to chastise Kurt anyway.

Then, not-so-coincidentally, things could segue into Kurt Angle vs. Triple H.

Where else do you think WWE could take things post-Great Balls Of Fire? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.