7 New Programmes Coming Soon To WWE Network

3. King Of The Ring UK

edge and christian show

The announcement of King of the Ring UK, a Network-exclusive tournament to be aired at an indeterminable date during 2018, has been greeted with a mixed response from fans, with some annoyed that they aren't bringing this historic event back as a company-wide competition.

It's also a touch confusing, since Triple H also announced over the weekend that WWE would be heading to London in June for a rehash of the United Kingdom Championship Tournament. Are these two events the same thing - or are they planning two shows in Blighty?

Set this aside, however, and it should be pretty exciting. The last time the company produced a show exclusively comprised of British wrestlers, it went down pretty well, with a smattering of future stars unearthed in Blackpool last January.

Whether this tournament takes the form of another talent search competition remains to be seen. Frankly, they should probably think about how to best use the likes of Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate before they go bringing in anyone else - but then who are we to question their wisdom?
