7 Outrageous CM Punk Fan Encounter Stories

1. Hitting A Fan In The Face At The End Of Raw

http://youtu.be/WAniQ0L2S3U CM Punk was the heel WWE Champion during the October 8, 2012 edition of Raw. He was doing a great job of pissing off the fans and as usual he looked very comfortable in that role. However, as Raw was going off the air that night he got into an incident that wasn't supposed to happen and could have been terrible for WWE as well as Punk. After Punk bailed from the ringside area and into the crowd while Vince McMahon was doing a promo, fans nearby were shoving him. It happened a few times, which agitated Punk. He responded by throwing an elbow at a fan that he thought did it. When watching the video, you can see that the fan was pushed from behind and that's why he went into Punk. The next day, WWE.com issued a statement about it: "Given CM Punk€™s persona as a €˜bad guy,€™ fans were naturally heckling him, but unfortunately a few fans began shoving him, and one struck him in the kidney and on the back. WWE regrets that proper security measures were not in place, and CM Punk apologizes for reacting in the heat of the moment." Here's how Punk explained it: "I think the whole situation sucks. It€™s an unfortunate and isolated incident. I got hit in the ribs three times. I was getting shoved and I was getting punched. Then I started getting tagged in the back of the head. Unfortunately, I lashed out in the heat of the moment and I apologize. I€™m really just glad nobody was hurt." As Punk mentioned, nobody was seriously hurt by it and nobody pressed charges. Punk has always been a guy that appreciated the fans that loved it, but he probably doesn't miss the one that were jerks to him either.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.