7 Outrageous CM Punk Fan Encounter Stories

2. Shouting "You Have A Vagina" And Calling A Fan A "Homo"

http://youtu.be/NPV9xjq6IcA During a WWE tour of Australia in July of 2011, Punk was in a heel role as the leader of the new Nexus stable that really didn't accomplish much. For whatever reason, he decided to get into a verbal argument with a fan. Punk got in the face of a couple of male fans and said "you have a vagina" at them twice. His comment after that also upset people when he said "nice fauxhawk, you homo" because calling somebody is offensive. Their argument lasted for about a minute. It ended when Punk told the fan to sit down and he looked proud of himself for reeling the guy in to make him get all fired up like that. The video ended up on TMZ, which led to it became even more popular although it was the kind of bad press that WWE doesn't want. Punk issued an apology on Twitter: "I€™m glad TMZ posted that video because everybody needs to be held accountable for their bulls**t, me included. What I said was bulls**t. I€™m embarrassed. I own up to being a total douche in this situation and I offer a sincere apology to anybody I hurt with careless words." It was one of those instances where Punk went a bit too far and should have known better because in today's world everybody is going to be filming a wrestler even at house shows.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.