7 Potential Storylines That Could Improve WWE

2. A New Role For Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman is a one of a kind talent when it comes to the mic.

The advocate for Brock Lesnar has played a pivotal role in WWE for many years now, even if the Lesnar angle has nearly exhausted all of its avenues. Heyman could sneakily emerge from the shadows as the mastermind who assembled the new stable wreaking anarchy on Lynch, Rollins and the remainder of the roster. This would be a nice callback to his role in the Monday Night Wars, mixing a blend of wrestling nostalgia with a new, fresh story-line signifying a new era in WWE.

The Advocate's skills on the mic would be a perfect way to sell the devastation of the WWE anarchists. Seeing Heyman go up against The Man and The Beastslayer in a battle of promos would tie the angle together nicely whilst injecting further star-power into the mix. Heyman's involvement as the voice of a new wrestling rebellion would also lend it more credibility and elevate it's popularity, forcing hardcore and casual fans to take it seriously.


Mother of Dragons and die-hard Lita fan. Believe in the Shield.