7 Reasons Biker Gimmick Was Nearly The Death Of The Undertaker
6. It Revealed His Weak Mic Skills
The Deadman gimmick was very kind to Undertaker, especially regarding his mic skills. He must be praised for making the most of an incredibly over-the-top gimmick, carrying it successfully into the more gritty, realistic Attitude Era while retaining all of his credibility. However, as much as the gimmick benefitted from Taker's commitment, he in turn benefitted from the gimmick itself. As the Deadman he was limited to incredibly sparse, melodramatic promos. He had a menacing charisma, but one untested to the degree of almost every other wrestler on the roster (excluding Kane). Can you imagine Undertaker being able to hold the audience's attention without the supernatural aura granted by his gimmick? Actually, you don't have to imagine. Study any promo segment during his biker phase, and you'll see that Taker simply doesn't have the natural charisma of other top Attitude Era stars. His promos revolved around tired tough-guy cliches, calling out opponents for "stepping into his yard", threatening to "make someone famous", and warning his rivals that "playtime is over".