7 Reasons Braun Strowman Shouldn’t Become WWE Universal Champ At No Mercy 2017

7. It's Way Too Soon

enzo amore braun strowman

What's the hurry with Strowman? Again, he should become Universal Champion at some point, but No Mercy will be his first one-on-one crack at Brock Lesnar's title. Braun was made to look like a total killer at SummerSlam anyway, so it's not as though it'd be a colossal disappointment if he didn't come out with the belt.

Nobody can claim that WWE's creative team are letting Strowman down. To do so would be ignoring everything that has happened over the past year with Raw's resident beast. Braun is booked better than most others in the entire company, and that looks set to continue into 2018. Why then is there such a need to push him right to the top so quickly?

It's time to show a little patience, more so when you realise that Strowman has the potential to be a major player in WWE for years to come. He's only been a singles star for a little over 12 months, after all. Let Braun continue his path of carnage away from the top titles for a while, please.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.