7 Reasons Braun Strowman Shouldn’t Become WWE Universal Champ At No Mercy 2017

6. There's An Out That Would Protect Him

Brock Lesnar Paul Heyman

Technically, both Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman are heels in WWE's world. Brock flips between embracing chants of 'Suplex City' and being a destroyer more often, but Strowman's presence has turned into one of Raw's loudest weekly pops. It's clear that WWE's writers don't feel the need to present either man as a babyface.

That's a good thing, but it doesn't mean Lesnar couldn't prove himself to be even more vindictive than Strowman is at No Mercy. Should Brock turn heel (for lack of a better phrase) on Braun, or employ the use of Heyman to help him win, then fans would boo the hell out of it. People want Strowman to win, but it feels smarter to use an out and then keep his title win for later.

We're not talking a lame disqualification loss or something like that, because such an end to the pay-per-view would suck. Instead, it'd be nicer to see Strowman lose because Lesnar tapped into the animalistic, cold side that made him smile as he tortured the likes of John Cena and Roman Reigns before.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.