7 Reasons It's Time For CM Punk To Make His Wrestling Return

2. He Could Demolish The Fourth Wall

CM Punk

When Vince McMahon orchestrated the Montreal Screwjob in 1997, he knew he’d have a lot of explaining to do. In order to keep his most prized belt from moving to WCW, he exposed his involvement as the man pulling the strings of the WWF.

It was the largest hole in the armour of kayfabe at the time, but Vince used it to his advantage, turning himself into an authoritarian dictator that the fans could boo, all the while being in on the fact that he had legitimate control of WWE.

CM Punk is no stranger to breaking the 'fourth wall' either - his infamous Pipe Bomb promo is one of the most talked about segments in modern day WWE - mostly because it alluded to Punk's real life grievances with the company, and referenced organisations outside of Vince's bubble.

With that in mind, CM Punk and Vince McMahon could turn their genuine rivalry into one of the hottest wrestling storylines of all time. Fans are now often more preoccupied with what goes on behind the curtain than they are with what happens in the ring, so why not use that to their advantage? Why not have CM Punk invade WWE as a ‘Free Agent’, and have him act as the company's new anti-authority babyface?

It’d be tried and tested ground, only this time it would be instilled with a sense of unprecedented realism.

Although he’d be back earning money under Vince McMahon, Punk could use the opportunity to say whatever he wanted about The Chairman on live TV, knowing full well that if VKM didn’t like it, Punk could pull the plug immediately and extinguish one of the hottest, realest rivalries in modern wrestling.

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CM Punk
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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.