7 Reasons Kevin Steen Will Thrive In WWE

4. His Moveset

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1VBdOhnrkM If you've seen Kevin Steen's series of matches with El Generico you'll know about one side of Steen's moveset. If you haven't, it can be summarised as this: two guys getting as close as they can get to breaking each other's neck without actually doing it. They were brutal, brutal matches. Neckbreakers, piledrivers, neckbreakers on ladders, piledrivers on ladders, piledrivers off ladders onto other ladders, all sorts. He's also had a great mat-based wrestling match with Daniel Bryan (back when he was still Bryan Danielson), some great high-flying tag matches with El Generico vs Young Bucks and great brawls against just about anyone. And in the video above, Steen is having a hilarious comedy match with Colt Cabana. Put simply, he can wrestle any style and do it well. WWE likes their wrestlers to have a distinct, personal moveset that's specific to their character. The Big Show once famously said that for the majority of his career he could quite easily have done a moonsault, it would just never make sense for his character to do so. Because of this, Steen will probably need to lose about 80% of his moves, but he has such a wealth to choose from that most will never notice.
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Kevin Steen
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Michael Palmer is a contributor at whatculture.com and thelineofbestfit.com, and he probably likes WWE slightly more than most people would call "healthy".