7 Reasons Kevin Steen Will Thrive In WWE

3. He Can Wrestle Anyone

Kevin Steen While Steen's range of moves and styles will help diversify the type of character that he can adopt in WWE, it will also help who he wrestles. Many WWE stars are not only limited in what moves they can perform themselves, but also in what moves they can effectively take from their opponent. Cesaro has stated that he would never like to perform The Swing on Mark Henry or Big Show. Not because he's not strong enough to lift them (as he proved at Wrestlemania 30 by lifting Big Show over the top rope) but because it's difficult for guys over a certain weight to sell the move effectively. It's hard enough to wrestle a match on live television, even in your own style. Keep in mind that matches are rarely fully choreographed beforehand, and most of the moves are called on the spot, in the ring. So, to wrestle a guy like Steen, who can not only perform moves from any kind of style but also take them, really takes the pressure off and enables both guys to call a match without limits. This is a very valuable trait to have, and one that WWE admires in its wrestlers. He can make anybody look good, because he can compete with their style of wrestling. Even if Steen fails to scale the heights and become WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he will always be a useful asset to the company because of this very reason.
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Kevin Steen
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Michael Palmer is a contributor at whatculture.com and thelineofbestfit.com, and he probably likes WWE slightly more than most people would call "healthy".